1. Baba

2022 | Documentary Short

This film was shot at Jesus House Chicago in Chicago, IL. The church is a Nigerian church on the North Side of Chicago. The film analyzes prayer and faith within the confines of the sanctuary, and how this extends to the complexities of the immigrant identity.

2. Night

2022 | Documentary Short

This film is a meditation on nighttime activities in Cambridge, MA. It depicts a pick-up basketball between friends.

3. Class

2022 | Documentary Short

The film showcases the visceral feeling of learning and the impact of the classroom through a series of intense close-ups on the eyes of students.

4. Body

2022 | Documentary Short

A morning routine and how the body adjusts to the new day through the hazy gaze of rising daylight.

5. Wrestlers

2022 | Documentary Short

The intricacies and movement of two bodies that become one through the action of wrestling.

6. La Orfeu

2020 | Essay Film

A meditation and essayistic poem of familial unknowing and absence through the metaphor of Orpheus, the tale of a man who journeyed to hell for his dead love, only to return empty-handed. The greek tragedy serves as a reminder that sometimes what is lost, is lost.

7. Personal Info

2021 | Essay Film

A conversation through sisters and technology about what we know and what we leave behind.